
Current Lab Members

Principle Investigator and staff

Ksenia Krasileva

Associate Professor

PhD in Microbiology

DE in Genomics and Computational Biology


China Lunde Shaw

Laboratory Manager


Rakesh Kumar

Associate Scientist (current position USDA-Albany)

PhD in Plant Biotechnology



Wei Wei


PhD in Crop Sciences


Dani Stevens


PhD in Genetics & Genomics




Graduate students

Frances (Grace) Stark

PhD candidate in Microbiology

Chancellor Fellowship

Graduate Level Scholarship, the Sonoma County Mycological Association


Kyungyong Seong

PhD student in Microbiology

DE in Genomics and Computational Biology

Berkeley Fellow | Bakar Fellow


Chandler Sutherland

PhD candidate in Plant Biology

DE in Genomics and Computational Biology

Grace Kase Fellow


Nicole Marie Dubs

PhD student in Plant Biology


Jude Edwards

PhD student in Microbiology



Undergraduate students

Doogie Kim

Undergraduate student

Genetics and Plant Biology


McCree Tang

Undergraduate student

Molecular Cell Biology

Yuting Lin

Undergraduate student

Microbial Biology


Tatiana Liang

Undergraduate student

Microbial Biology


Ann Palayur

Undergraduate Student

Microbial Biology


Luyang Zhang

Undergraduate student

Microbial Biology


Krasileva Lab Alumni


Andrew Deatker (2016-2019) Afterwards, research assistant at The Sainsbury Laboratory.

Dr Christian Schudoma (2016-2017) Afterwards, member of Core Bioinformatics Group, Earlham Institute.

Dr Francesca Stefanato (2015-2016) Afterwards, at the John Innes Centre.


Dr Lorena Parra (2020-2023), Afterwards, postdoc at UC Davis

Dr Janina Tamborski (2019-2022), Afterwards, postdoc at Stanford

Dr Elisha Thynne (2017-2020). Afterwards, postdoc at Max Plank Institute.

Dr Dina Raats (2015-2018)

Dr Paul Bailey (2015-2017) Afterwards, bioinformatician at Kew Gardens

Dr Gulay Dagdas (2015-2017)

PhD students

Dr Boyan Xu (2020-2024) - PhD in Mathematics, DE in Genomics and Computational Biology, DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellow

Dr Erin Baggs (2016-2022) - PhD in Plant Biology, after graduation research scientist at Sound Agriculture

Dr Pierre Joubert (2019- 2023) - PhD in Microbiology, DE in Genomics and Computational Biology, Grace Kase Fellow, after graduation post-doc at Technische Universität Dresden

Rotation students

2023: Amanda Dee

2022: Marlo Hall, Antonio Chapparo

2021-2022: Ryan Kennealy

2020-2021: Yiling Fang, Dean Pettinga

2019-2020 : Lauren Hamm, Hang Xue, Brady Lee, Nathan Diplock

2018-2019 Lorenzo Washington

Norwich Research Park, 2016-2017: Joanna Feehan

Postbacc students

Giuseppe Denora (2024) Visiting Student Researcher, Master's Student at the IDEAS Innovation Development in AgriFood Systems, University of Bari Aldo, Italy

Anne Nakamoto (2022-2023). Afterwards, PhD student in Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics at the University of California Santa Cruz

Reshi Shanmuganathan (Summer 2018). Afterwards, PhD student with Claude Becker, Gregor Mendel Institute.

Ruby O'Grady (2018). Afterwards, Science Communications Officer at John Innes Centre and The Sainsbury Laboratory

Amelie Heckmann (2016-2017). Afterwards, PhD student with Fiona Doohan, University College Dublin


Mari Torii-Karch (2021-2023). Microbial Biology

Griselda Ramirez-Bernardino (2023). Genetics and Plant Biology

Daven Lim (2022-2023). Computer Science

Anne Nakamoto (2020-2022). Molecular and Cell Biology (Genetics, Genomics, and Development), Computer Science Minor.

Duke Yuvaraj (2022-2023) Molecular and Cellular Biology

Ashley Bendl (2022-2023) Molecular and Cell Biology, Psychology

Sarah Song (2021-2022) Statistics & Genetics and Plant Biology

Marcus Varni (2022) Genetics and Plant Biology & Molecular and Cell Biology.

William Cumbelich (2022) Genetics and Plant Biology

Engie Mostafa (2021) Molecular and Cellular Biology, minor in Global Studies and Public Policy

Mark Tiersma (2019-2021) Molecular and Cellular Biology - Afterwards, staff scientist at Stanford

Daniel ChoAnn (2020-2021) Molecular and Cellular Biology

Celine Bellegarda (2018-2019) Molecular Environmental Biology, minor in Chemistry - Afterwards, staff scientist at UCSF

Aman Sidhant (Fall 2018) Computer Science - Afterwards, programmer at Microsoft